What The Fact?? SLATERS
Slaters turn mulch into soil, and sometimes they eat baby seedlings, but mostly mulch.
Slaters also like to eat heavy metals like copper, zinc, lead, arsenic, and cadmium. They devour the metals and then crystallize them in their gut.
Like most insects, they also provide a predatory role in the garden. It has recently been discovered that slaters eat the eggs of stink bugs. Yum Yum
A slater bug is a land crustacean and breathes thru Gills like a sea creature, maybe that’s why they can’t smell the stink bug eggs. They will however, drown if submerged in water.
They live in moist areas under pots, in leaf litter and mulch. If they come into the house they will likely not live long as they will dry, out so infestation is unlikely.
Keeping moisture levels correct is a full time job for the slater. In fact in emergencies, the slater can collect water through its butt to prevent dehydration.
So when you see a team of slaters, rest assured that they are doing good things for your garden, and have a little laugh.
If you need a hand turning your dirt into soil, slaters can help. They are one of many mini mulch making machines living happily in your Backyard Ecosystem. Get to know them all.