What The Fact??Most people know that praying mantis indulge in a bit of sexual cannibalism, but do you know why?
Most people know that praying mantis indulge in a bit of sexual cannibalism, but do you know why?
In Australia, there are six introduced species of cockroaches, which do live in houses, but there are also at least 550 native species which are safe, beautiful little creatures. Virtually all cockroaches you find in your garden are native, and all of these are important members of your backyard ecosystem.
Bess beetles are unusual in that they live in a colony made up of several generations of a family.
They eat decomposing wood and live within rotting logs in a complex of tunnels. Adult males and
females excavate their tunnels, defend the colony and care for the young. You can tell when a log
a critter to be respected. Various species of centipedes have between 30 and 354 legs. Centipedes can be distinguished from their cousins the millipedes because millipedes having two pairs of legs on each body segment rather than one like centipedes. Together these groups are known as the myriapoda.